Why six strings when you can crank econo style on two! Forget about leaving Santa cookies and milk, leave him a two string CBG and let the neighborhood know he’s delivering! That’s funny, you get everything setup perfectly, the lights come on, and you didn’t figure on Santa’s hair blowing in your mouth when you talked...priceless! Loved it!
Thank you,Dave.I'm hoping Santa (the real Santa) is going to leave a new video camera in my stocking as the sound on my old second hand one is pretty dire....Have a great Christmas...
Thank you,Richard and I hope you're enjoying the Christmas festivities....
Why six strings when you can crank econo style on two! Forget about leaving Santa cookies and milk, leave him a two string CBG and let the neighborhood know he’s delivering! That’s funny, you get everything setup perfectly, the lights come on, and you didn’t figure on Santa’s hair blowing in your mouth when you talked...priceless! Loved it!
Thank you,Derek and happy Christmas ....
Nice playing and good growl from 2 strings.
It's never too late to commit,Richard wether it's a woman or those addictive CBG's!...
Thank you,Dave.I'm hoping Santa (the real Santa) is going to leave a new video camera in my stocking as the sound on my old second hand one is pretty dire....Have a great Christmas...
Great sound and pro pickin. Sliderific!
Occasionally he does,Smilingdog...Happy Christmas
Santa rock!
Thank you,Korrigan....