Mr Tambourine Man

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The old Dylan classic done in the style of the Byrds!

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  • That works really nicely. Good playing.

  • Wow!  Jingly Jangly Byrdy good.

  • ;)  Ah'm off for ma breakfast in that jingle jangle mornin (Birds Eye waffles and cheese, if ye MUST know), so catch ya later , ma man :) 

  • CBG meanin Cigar Box Guitar, Daddy. NOT notes CBG (that would be one hell of a tuning!!!!) LOL

  • Hi James - edited by description!!  Glad you liked it.

  • BTW read about Dulcimer tunin Daddy LL. Mostly tunes GDD (or GDDD) !!!! if 4 strings , think ah read. Ya might want ta try it, let us hear, Ah'm biddin for 4 string e bay at moment, but want ta put in usual CBG tunin, if ah win it. I might put a wee spare  parlour guitar that ah have in Dulcimer tunin, and do an upload. Got it in High E tunin just now. Just some thoughts Dad ;)

  • Nice playin, ma man. Ah think ye will find it is an old DYLAN classic , BTW. On behalf of all the 290, 085 people in this country buskin and doin folk clubs,  who actually think that they ARE Bob Dylan!!!, ah protest most vehmently. (wish ah knew what "vehmently" meant, but ah protest often usin ithe word anyway, as it looks good!) .  BTW MR Tamborine man had NOTHIN ta do with drugs, as wee Bob said, It was simply about a man who played the TUBA (but ah "wonder") LOL

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