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More Cowbell Please! - Smelly Black CBG & Cowbell

Views: 104
More Cowbell Please!!!!..A rough trying out my cowbell and shaker pedal... and snare drum pedal...Ok sack the drummer ( my feet!) they can't keep time!!MORE COWBELL next time please !!

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  • Many thanks..John, Uncle John,Hollowbelly,Wes, Be,Ed,Anonymous,Clock and James..

    I just heard this back and that rythm is rough !!....

    but I like the Cowbell !! .... hey check out my latest..... "The Government Say I Got to go Green"

  • Can't smell anything from here. Maybe I have a cold. Sounds good though.

  • Good lookin' git.  Sounding really fine.  Like the perc.   I think you would sound real good on some blind Willy Johnson songs.   

  • Yup-I've dug cowbell since hearing the opening bars of Honkeytonk Woman as a kid in the 60's- and yes-WE WANT MORE COWBELL!!

  • that smelly CBG sounds good!!...and loving the percussion. I really like the idea of making your own stuff so it sounds unique. I want to see Mr Beat again with the additions!!...or is this a different one??

  • Can't listen now, but can't wait. I got a fever and the only prescription is more cowbell!
  • sweet  .

  •    Funky cowbell blues from back behind the old barn!

  • good stuff bug!!!

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