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Views: 135
Here's another short film, this time featuring my 6 string fretless guitar and using a DIY capo for harmonics.This capo was inspired by Hans Reichel and Bob Kilgore. It allows me to play the strings behind as well as in front of the capo, or on this project, use a slide behind it. I discovered this possibility quite by accident on a simple capo made from a thin plastic tube and a rubber band, but it did not allow me the versatility of this one. Please look up the aforementioned to find out about their designs. You'll be glad that you did. Mine, of course, is designed specifically for the rather narrow neck of my build. Enjoy...

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  • Wow ! incredible sounds and images...nicely done
  • You done it again you crazy fool! Genius! :o)
  • love it henry. your way out there somewhere .i hope to meet you there .at times there's a sitar sound
  • good film .....and more interesting music...could be used as a movie soundtrack!!......mmmm love the idea of a capo you can play both sides of!! to check that out : -)
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