Memorial Day Escape/ #2. Lunchtime Boogie

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Hotel CallyFest. The usual lunch crowd.

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  • Nancy, I’d of loved to see the photo you came up with for this ha! I like the Boogie Woogie coolness comment, thank you very much! I tripped over my fingers less in this than usual, and that’s progress.
  • UJ, I understand your suite this year at the festival was a guitar party night after night. Was is the seaweed instead of sawdust on the floor for comfort. I’ll make it right, even if I have to put you in the Hilton. I think the ghosts are virtual... Ha, thanks John!
  • Boogie woogie coolness....some kind of fancy finger work Richard.... this is a treat to hear and watch.... lookie out there is a phantom near!!! Meeowwwow^..^
  • The muzac is good, but I would not want to spend another night there.
  • Well it was fun Buggy! You remember those all night parties at the Hotel CallyFest.....maybe not.... ha! Appreciate it, thanks!
  • The Wes suitcase amp Is a nice portable piece of equipment A.D. Dennis will be most unnerved thinking I look like him...Dennis is a tall strong good looking man of character and distinction, I’m the ghost in the video ha! Dennis was playing the guitar to be honest sorta. Thanks, very fine comments my friend!
  • Poorness, I bet you miss the straw bed and sawdust floors of the inviting CallyFest suites. Your room will remain unchanged till next year ha! Definite Boogie, now there’s a song title! Thanks so much Poorness!
  • Denbo, 3 of me was too much for innocent viewers, although the animated character doesn’t exist but in my mind only. Figured the ghosts of the hotel would show up, neutralizing the other one. Actually, in sane moments, I wanted different angles of the guitar playing using one take. Impossible they was! Thank you very much my friend!
  • Dave, when I play, my multiple personalities wander the halls aimlessly to find purpose because I don’t pay attention to them. No one has ever seen them before, they’re taking advantage of me and getting careless, thanks for letting me know. Gotta keep crazy in the head! Thanks Dave, appreciate your comments!
  • Sounds fun
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