May 17, 2019

Views: 61
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Headless three string cigar box guitar

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  • Impressive piece of engineering and nice to look at.  I feel your pain re the you I am builder first and have cobbled a few things together that sound sort of like music...but am always on the lookout for that person who will get the most out of my builds. I have experimented with cedar and found it to be a beautiful tonewood. You don't discuss internal the top braced?  I have found that a thin top is best and that it must be braced to withstand the bridge force and to generate the volume and tone.  My tops are generally just above 3/32 in thickness so bracing is essential.  

  • Thanks, gents. It was a lot of fun engineering the tuning head arrangement. Combining that with a box design and wood selection I hadn’t used before made it a bit of a mystery as to how it would sound and feel. I’m having fun with it, and greatly appreciate the feedback from folks who know a whole bunch more about any of this than I do.

  • very creative nice job

  • Nice build, creative!

  • A very nice very light build Bruce, sounds fine, and thanks for explaining the Machine Heads setup :-)

  • I like it Bruce! Great Job!

  • I agree on the cedar.  I had a couple cedar topped Seagull - made in Canada guitars and they sounded great.  The possible downside being they easily showed scratches.  My last built CBG has a cedar top and it yields nice tone and big volume.

  • Great job of engineering Bruce. I love cedar for lightness and tone.

  • Great  and clean looking guitar.  Nice body shape and rollers.  Nice tone too!

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