Magic Pie Pan UFO Tripping - You are not alone!

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  • 306468831?profile=RESIZE_1024x1024Out of this world Buggy!!!! Meowwwwww^..^

  • Never knew that the B in Cecil B. De Mille stood for " Bug"! Lol. Very atmospheric music ( no pun intended) . Good work, sir, I say :)

  • comments on Friday Beetle Blogging: Twice-Stabbed Lady Beetle"/>

  • Good stuff !

    Have you read 'Open Skies, Closed Minds' by Nick Pope, who used to run the MOD UFO Desk before they binned it ?  He concluded that most of the stuff that was reported has been explained, or is of a nature that could be explained.  However, there's a very small number of episodes that hint at 'something else' being around.  Worryingly, the 'something else' may not be very friendly.

  • 306461855?profile=originalbug-mobile 

  • 306459991?profile=RESIZE_1024x1024

  • EXCLUSIVE: MOD to release UK's top secret UFO 'X-Files' that 'could prove aliens exist'

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