low impedance aluminium diy pickup prototype 5 live CBG test

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This is prototype 5 - 1:500 coil live test in Dr Death CBG its a quiet pickup but i like the tone froma 1:500 trans Harp and foot drums Bugs one man band How does it sound. (Double Ni magnets)

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  • Highly technical black gaffa tape holding in Prototype no 5...in Dr Death pickup tester CBG

  • 306559234?profile=original

  • 306559745?profile=RESIZE_1024x1024

  • It's not a pickup...

    it's a BUGUP!!!

  • 306558736?profile=RESIZE_1024x1024

  • They sure were weren't they John...

    I now know why A Lace Alumitone is cast... to stop microphoinics

    So back from the thin plate design, back a Prototpye 5 then (as below), a more solid bar design.

    seems to work..

  • Does sound good, Bug.  Good harp too.   I forgot about this match with Patterson.   Seems like Patterson had been a good light heavyweight champ before moving up to heavy.    You got em' dancin', Bug.

  • 306559467?profile=RESIZE_1024x1024

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