Lou Shields live at the 2nd Annual Chicago Cigar Box Guitar Festival

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Lou Shields live at the 2nd Annual Chicago Cigar Box Guitar Festival at Fatman Bowl on 11/9/2013 www.RootsRiot.com for more info

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  • Joe, the explanation helps.  

  • I see what you're saying John and agree to a certain extent, but part of it may be in the vids I chose to share.

    A couple other things however... now I don't know squat about guitars, but I believe Lou said this particular instrument was handmade by a friend (still not a CBG, I agree). Also, his 3-string CBG failed the night before and wasn't an option, but he did play his 4-string Shitar (CBG) on a couple of songs even though the #3 tuning peg broke just prior to starting his 1st song, leaving him with I'm guessing was an awkward 3-stringer to play.

    Considering I'm posting on a CBG site, I probably could have made better choices in selecting which songs to share for many of the artists.  I chose this particular one because I had never heard him play it before and I really felt it in my heart. 



  • I am going to be a TURD and speak my mind.   I am a Lou fan and this is a great song and performance.   But watching vids of the Chicago CBG fest-  TOO MANY STORE BOUGHTS.  I think when people go to a CBG fest they should see and hear home made instruments.

  • Thanks Joe for posting this. real nice song Lou.

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