Lookout the aliens have landed !

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Dogs dinner guitar..everything but the kitchen sink!

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  • Mars Needs Guitars, Be...or so O've heard ;-)

  • loved those ads!!...hey their heads might make good resonators!!

  • Alien: This bed is soooo soft. That porridge was soooo goood. I'm sleepy *yawn* zzzzz

    Papa Bear: Honey, we got company again!

  • Scientists have revealed there are billions of planets out there in the "Goldilocks zone" in space able to support intelligent life...what will they think if they see you,  'bug....?   he hee ! (-;

  • You inspired me. now I'm in trouble. Seems that you shouldn't make guitar amp out of grandson's R2D2 robot.

    It was just sitting there and he wasn't playing with it.

  • "Bang bang bang.... shut up downstairs... i'm trying to rebuild the space ship up here!..." (Father Alien)

    "Sorry dad... I'm making video.... these earthlings actually watch this stuff ! ...

    ....dad what's a cowbell? ".. (Son alien..bemused )

    A big green thank you for all your comments on Planet Bug..

  • well alien technology is quite interesting!

    excelent, very fun and creative! i love and had a laugh when the siren sound..

    but... do you come in peace?

  • LOL............ I have this picture in my mind of the aliens father yelling from downstairs " What in this galaxy are you doing up there?"    with this response.... " Dad I'm making a video..... give me a break !!! " Dad: " How long will you be playing that ? "  Son: " Till you like it !!! "

  • I'm with Bluesheart. The bell rocks.

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