Lookin Out at the Weather

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original blues by Terry Crosley - TC Blues on the nation.Lookin’ Out At The WeatherLookin’ out at the weatherand it looks like snow. (x2)Thinkin’ about that Christmas baby,with nowhere to go.Well now the snow is fallin’.Really comin’ down. (x2)I’m thinking about the baby,in Bethlehem town.Well, the snow’s still fallin’,Fallin’ mighty awful deep. (x2)That baby son of God..in a manger asleep.I’m thinkin’ of that baby…in a manger of hay. (x2)I’m thinkin’ about that baby.On the first Christmas day.Harp soloWell, the snow’s still fallin’,mighty awful deep. (x2)I’m thinkin’ of that Christ child,with promises to keep.

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  • Thanks, Ritz.

  • How did i miss this one U.J. at work in the office singing about the weather and the Christmas baby next to the stove . well done sir

  • Thanks, James, Owl, Fat, Brick, Mike, John, Diggly and Maddog.   And thanks for the Christmas wishes too.   I'm gratified to get theses good comments on my friend's songs.

    Brick, I hoped you would see this version.   I know you liked the one from a couple of years back where Terry did harp and our friend Tom sang it. 

    Katfish Mike, it's funny, I can do simple harp stuff and play guitar but I CAN NOT do foot percussion.

  • Great job John, had never heard this song before. I like it man! Merry Christmas!!!

    P.S. Little different view of the mancave, the fire looks cozy ;-)

  • Nice work Uncle John, and a very Happy Christmas to you and Linda :-)

  • Nic estuff Uncle John .... Merry Xmas mate.

  • Anyone that can pull off vocals, and two instruments for a number has my utmost respect! Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year Uncle John!

  • Nice take! :)

  • great stuff.

  • very nice song uncle john !!! merry Christmas to yall  !!!

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