Look Down The Road by Skip James

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Look Down The Road – Skip JamesDGB three string - 3 chords.Here the I chord is a C, the IV chord is an F and the V chord is a G.For open tuning you could do I= open, IV = 5th fret and V = 7th fret.I [I] look down the road far as my eyes can see.I [IV] look down the road far as my eyes can [I] see.And I [V] don't see nothin'.. [IV] looks like mine to [I] me.I don't want a woman who stays out all night long. (x2)I don't want a woman don't know right from wrong.I wouldn't have a rooster that don't crow 'for day. (x2)I wouldn't have a hen don't cackle when she lay.I ain't gonna holler when you're comin' on down. (x2)I'm gonna' stand right here till' my mustache drags the groundMama told me.. Papa told me too. (x2)That there woman.. aint no friend for you.

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  • Thanks guys!   I wish I could do the old bouncing ball thing with the pop up lyrics.  I hope you were singing along.

  • Sounding Good there Uncle John! ;-)

  • Classic U.J. I like the popup lyrics 

  • cool way to get motivated on a lazy Sat. Really sweet song!!

  • Me too, Eric.  That's a new one to me.

  • I love this line:  I'm gonna' stand right here till' my mustache drags the ground.

  • Maybe a bit, Jim.  Two heartland boys.

  • Nice; Dylan-esque.

  • Thank you kindly for all the nice comments.  

  • another very nice one,  uncle John

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