Latest Build Video 2 14.03.13

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Latest build, dirty FX...

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  • Thank you UJ, I'll give the hollering a go!...
  • Yeah, sir.  Rocking purty good!  

    Dirty FX.   Humbucker.   F Holes!    Yeah, yeah, I know all those terms do not apply.  But some times it kind of takes a load off to scream those terms.  Try it if the kids are not home.   Tail-piece.

  • Thank you Tramp and South Paw...

    Tramp, I'm running this though a Fender Frontman 212R, I picked it up last week for £75.00, used but mint. Can only have it on about 2 volume in the house, but one day I'll fill the Royal Albert with my quirky punk-blues-swamp-stomp madness... ;-)

  • ;-)

  • Nice playing Paul and great sound. What Amp ya running through mate?

  • James, Mr Clock, t-belly, Maddog & Mr Bug, thanks for your support guys, much appreciated.

  • Yeh that works

  • WOW!!! Rockin' Paul!

  • Clean or dirty that guit sounds really good and your playing has come on leaps and bounds.Nice one

  • Oooooooooh... ๏_๏

    Dirty... (•‿-)

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