Justin Johnson plays tribute guitar

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Smilingdogguitars built special 4string Cbg for Theo Mojo of the French BSA festival. Theo visited us 2014 traveling the Blues HWY with his wife. We sat and ...

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  • JJ doing his thing....and doing sooooooo well!!! 

    Awesome git SD!!!

  • Nice one!

  • Yes sir, he had his game on that day.

  • Sounds great! Justin is great.
  • Thank you RTZGUITARS. You're right when you say the CBG community is a Global thing. I've received a lot of support and help from friends over seas that have helped make our festival even better.

  • Always great to see Justin and you guy's are a International hub. When I first got on this site we did a song for the Townes Tribute that had 5 or 6 different Country's on it. It is a Global thing.

  • Thanks guys. May I add that the BSA festival has sent us gifts every year as well as our friend Steve Slow Paw representing UK. I'll also add that Gitty has sent fun stuff and Randy S. Bretz. Many others not mentioned here are included, we try to stay in touch.

    the anonymous pick is generous to a fault, loads of fun stuff from Canada. These gifts are in the spirit of connecting Festivals together and anybody can gladly add there fest to the list, it's all good. We lost a good CBG friend and this particular gift was in his memory, I just wanted it played here and people to toss a few memories into the box before it goes over seas. Pictures, songs, whatever : )

  • Whoo hoo!   Would I sound that good on a Smiling Dawg git?    Excellent.   (and in answer to the question - no!  But I bet it would be fun to play.)

  • oui ;-)

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