Justin Johnson - Back Porch Blues

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Watch Justin Johnson play a cigar box guitar by Heavy Fog Guitars. You can buy these cigar box guitars on http://www.heavyfogguitars.com

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  • Wow, that Justin is a wonderful talented player. I'm a fan. Thanks for the play.
  • Cool guitar Justin. Has a really good deep sound. Well done....

  • Nice and true, Arsenne.

  • Hello Justin

    This is the occasion to greet your job in general, and to send you a more personal message,
    You are a verry good CBG player, and it is always a pleasure to watch videos on FB

    Bravo you are is good ambassador of the cigar box, I wish you happiness with your instruments in real life

  • Thanksgiving morning and some Justin Johnson.  One more thing to be thankful for.

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