Just A Breezy Easy Song (on Canjo made by jabes)

Views: 136
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Mr jabes, honourary Welshman, and great cigar box guitar builder. (that's a fiver ya owe me, jabes!)

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  • Oh dear, Jim ma man. Lots of the English guys gonna get on to ya now!

  • Thank you kindlyJim ma man. That's just somethin ah learned over in England! ;)
  • Thanks, James O :)
  • Nice fun stuff.JL

  • Thanks Vinnie man :)
  • Jabes ma man: ah like your logic (or Gordon's) :)
  • Thanks James. Pink bear, pink elephant. After a few drinks, all.the dame to me! Lol
  • Thanks Wes :). Could not do "cheesy" jabes would not add a "c" to his name !,
  • Straight awesome, but too short.....I always love yer impressions...lol

  • just figure , if you make it 10 you can owe me a fiver and we're quits..got that off Gordon Brown . Glad you're still enjoying that ol' biccy tin...:)


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