Johnny Cash - God's Gonna Cut You Down

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no cigar boxes, but its a damn good song

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  • Amy Lee from Evanescence is in the video.
  • I love his version of "Rusty Chains" from Soundgarden as well. The man in black, RIP....
  • I grew up listening to him.  He is my favorite country artist and I say this because that is what many people would classify him as, but he was so much more...  To me he is in his own category and very special place.  Few musicians are able to pour out this much heart and soul into their music.
  • I love this song. I've been waiting for somebody to do a version on cbg, but I've yet to see one.
  • This is a great song by a even greater man.
  • Thank you for posting this! Amazing man, amazing song.
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