Jesus Loves Me: 2-String Violin Chugger Cigar Box Guitar

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Cigar Box Guitar Slingers - Spokane, 192nd Zoom Mtg 02/26/24. Only 1-finger chords, free songbooks here: CBG SOF Songbook...

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  • I’m glad these songs give you inspiration for leading songs for Sunday School Uncle John. Sing with children is always fun; I’m not sure who has more fun.

  • You are welcome BrianQ! It is an oldie, but a well loved song.

  • Love this one.  I think I will get to lead multi Sunday Schools sing a few songs at a community wide service in the city park this year.  This will be one of the 3 songs I have in mind.

  • Now that’s an oldie but goodie!!! Thanx for the sharing slinger’s!! :)

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