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It's Rainin' Man

Views: 139
4 string Cohiba box 22 1/2 scale

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  • Although other three-year periods have been drier, 2012-14 stands as perhaps the worst drought in a millennium due in part to “anomalously low” precipitation and “record-high” temperatures, the study said.

    And viewed through the lens of history and the changing climate, this current severe event won’t be the last, the study’s co-author said.

    “One thing is clear,” said Daniel Griffin, an assistant professor in the University of Minnesota's department of geography. “Drought is going to continue to happen. This is the kind of thing we get to see in the future.”

     Just days after signing historic legislation requiring sustainable groundwater management for the first time in California, Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. issued an executive order streamlining efforts to provide water to families in dire need as the extreme drought continues to grip the state.

    The order makes funding available through the California Disaster Assistance Act to provide water for drinking and sanitation to households currently without running water. The executive order also extends the state's prohibition on price gouging during emergencies to the current stage of the drought, recognizing the on-going nature of the drought emergency. Additionally, it directs the State Water Resources Control Board, the Department of Water Resources and the Governor's Offices of Emergency Services and Planning and Research to work together to identify acute drinking water shortages in domestic supplies and to work with counties and local agencies to implement solutions for those water shortages.

  • Yep, I have no idea where this road goes and I fine with that.

  •  I agree... a good mix is always good. it makes life worth living :-)

  • Thanks Mr. Hartman, I would like to do more like this it get old doing the same slash and burn vids.

  • This is Awesome, I really enjoyed the music being played with the rain. Great video RTZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

  • Thank wes james kat & jim, when it started to rain I wanted to just use the camera and make a vid the guitar didn't sound so good so I replayed it while I watched it still don't know what I was doing but I never do.

    That's bamboo Jim got a few flutes of it no shirts or buzz. I was going to do the Turning Japanese riff when the bamboo clip started but I forgot.

    Still raining got flash flood alert in the foothills they had more rain in San Francisco the past 3 days then all of last year.

    Hope you all have heat and Happy Holidays.

  • Sweeeet! Was that a hemp crop at around :55?

  • 306384631?profile=original

    I could listen to this all day excellent Rtzy!! Mewowwwwww^.^

  • Nice playing Man sounds Great nice relaxing video

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