Incoherent Bliss/ Memorial Day Escapes #1

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Swamp Witch plugged into a Wesley Carl Suitcase Amp.

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  • Never stored Pick! At the ready anytime havoc and chaos is needed! Thanks my friend!
  • BIG Smiles , The only good reason to see a swamp witch in a storage facility ;-) ;-)
  • Took a lot of effort to build the set...just kidding Bob! This is a storage facility ( Hotel CallyFest, home of the stars during the annual CBG CallyFest) and I just animated it in black and white. It is a cool visual. I have used a small amount of TNT on the like button with some success. Thank you very much Bob!
  • I fell super cool today ha! Thank you very much Poorness!
  • Dave, my goal is 3 views today!
  • Great stuff - that setup in an environment like that - played like that - would tick the ole LIKE button - which I did :)
  • Cool video effect, cool amp, cool playing.
  • Nice amount of comments for 2 views Richard.
  • Brian, I feel for you buddy! I worked 40 years in the Central Valley, mostly Sacramento and Modesto areas water blasting outside. Miss it...never! And this is just June. Thanks, try to stay cool!
  • Feeling every bit of that triple digit weather over here in the valley!
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