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Love the sound, the playing and the five string. Good work.
yeah there is Joel... a lot more frets to play with... it takes some getting used to...
Joel asked a good question below. That does look like a long scale of some sort.
Lots of distance between the pickups and still alot of neck????
yes it is... I have used pick ups out of a strat but it just doesnt seem to howl like the humbuckers do.. I just got a line 6 stack so we are gonna see what the distortion sounds like in a bit...
Sounds good!! Long box ! Long scale !?! I agree with John , " That thing is begging for some distortion!!" ...and so am I !!!
5 strings, big box and a big Humbucker. Cool!!
That thing is begging for some distortion!!
Lordy, that is sweet blues.
A-Yup. That's it, alrighty! Me like that sound..