I Hear You Knocking.

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A Dave Bartholomew song first recorded by Smiley Lewis 1955. My cover with a 4 string fretless.

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  • Thanks Dennis for introducing me to CBGs. Permit instruments for us old fart rockers. Thank you for the kinds words my friend!

  • Great rendition, great playing and singing, drums are cool, for an old fart you rock!

  • That ain’t no hound dog, you can’t come in! Perfect fun in the theme of things Nancy! Your awesome, thanks so much Nancy!

  • 2058398523?profile=RESIZE_710xWowzersMeowzers!!!! Terrific vocals Richard~~~~~I  like your version best!!! Meowww^..^

  • High praise, comparison a bit with Talking Head David Byrne and Rot Orbison. I really like them both Clarky, and if some of their singing rubbed off, I’m a lucky dude. I have done a few Orbison songs in the past.....don’t know if the tears were from the lyrics or my howling. Thanks very much Clarky!

  • It’s a LPG Downtown Vinnie gave me last year. It has great tones for strumming. Still figuring out its  nuances for sliding. Thanks Danny!

  • Thank you very much Derek! Your right, the drum beat worked well and kept me from wandering too far off the path. 

  • That's some smooth playing and singing Richard.  I still think you sound a bit like David Byrne, maybe a tinge of Roy Orbison in there too.

  • great job Richard love the sound of that 4 string, vocals were great too

  • A.D, my brother sent me a YouTube video of Alvin Lee doing this song. That inspired me to do it, totally forgot how much I liked it. I know the Dave Edmunds best, so it’s his style I’m shooting for. The relic guitar beauty LPG was given to me last year by Vinnie. It has some very nice character!  Thanks my friend!

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