How to Play "Tattoo of You" by Shane Speal - 3 string cigar box guitar
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You need to be a member of Cigar Box Nation to add comments!
Thanks Shane. Just what I wanted to know. I may give it a try.
Uncle John, I wouldn't say the tuning was really that versatile. I currently use this tuning for just three songs: Tattoo of You, Mother Leeds and a cover of "Horse" by the band +LIVE+.
I usually have between 5-8 different guitars on stage with me, all strung differently with various tunings.
Like the sound of that tuning- sounds beautiful. Pretty song too. Shane is that tuning versatile for you? Huh. I kind of feel stale on the old stuff and I am thinking about trying this.
sounds like the theme song from the tv show friday night lights.
Nice tune Shane. First time I heard it nice to see some other tunings ;-)
Great to hear a lesson from you again !! I have always appreciated your CBG philosophy . In general being a CBG is a every man instrument and every man should have fun playing it !! Thanks for sharing ....... again !!!!!