House of the Rising Sun

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Me having a go at House of the Rising Sun on a three string cbg. Using a low dad tuning (lowest three strings from a set of six). Kustom Arrow 16DFX amp on the clean channel with some reverb.Spec of the guitar is dark 601 box, parana pine neck, rubber wood fretboard and bridge (part or the bridge is cedar), ebony nut and saddle, 19 frets with copper side markers, gold plated tuners, two piezo discs sandwiched in the bridge, oil finish to box and neck. Strings are electric even though there is only piezo amplification.See tabs at:

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  • Thanks Paul.

    It was great to meet you at Boxstock. Thanks again for the comment.

    All the best.


  • Sounds great John...
  • Hi Craig.

    Thanks for the compliment. Greatly appreciated.

    All the best.


  • great interpretation of a classic song. sounds great! I may have to copy this and ad it to my version.



  • Hi Tor.

    Thanks for the very nice comment. It's very much appreciated.

    All the best.


  •  Fantastic oily delta sound in that box! Blue long clear tones! The way you play it fits wery good with that wonderful sound! Your playing is great! And I hope to hear a lot more from you as well! Thanks for sharing!

  • Hi Jason.

    Thanks for taking the time to comment.

    All the best.


  • very nice!!!

  • Hi Stephan and Bob.

    Really nice of you to comment and much appreciated.

    Stephan. Pickups like that are nearer than you think. Just turn right along the High St. to Maplins. This one has a couple of Maplin 27mm piezo discs in the bridge.

    All the best.


  • Well done mate!! sounds really good,,you`ll have to drop one of those pickups in for me,,they`re magic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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