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Hot Cross Buns - Mop Bucket Guitar

Views: 135
Hot Cross BunsWords By Clock and His Wolf(Taken from a comment on Hot Rod Song)so far...Hot Dog, Hot Rod,Hot Cross Buns...what next?

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  • another cool and fun song! love this guitar by the way..

  • you playing some fun music, i like it!!!

  • I'm saving!!
  • haha - if i could chrome the Brass i would - but as i said it can be toned down some :)

  • Nice one!! ....I feel a song is in the air

  •    They're Red Hot:

  • Thank JUJU this one was made in an evening!! maybe not quote your fantastic build quality!

    (I can't stop thinking about your guitar....I think I can get over my dislike of gold !!)

  • lovin it mate another Hot One :)

  • Many thanks Marr's, Bemusic and of course Mr Clock & his wolf for your interesting comments and feedback.

    Clock which Robert Johnson song was that from???...


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