Holey Mackerel it's a 3 String Squidtar

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Movie of recently completed hit for my friend Squid.

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  • PLEASE POST THIS on the Concrete Music Group! (With a SOUND sample,of course!)

  • very cool and unique!...I was dying for you to give it a quick strum so I could hear it : -)

  • cool art guitar

  • Many thanks nation friends....

  • JP, that Swensonized, artsty-fartsy-wild man build just made my eyes bulge and put a smile on my face.  It really looks demented good.  


    Yup we need some kind of sound sample and maybe some lime jello.

  • some red led's in the eyes would be cool.

  • Come on. You can't wave that at us and not demonstrate how it sounds. A demo is essential (did I say that it looks great).

  • another great creative build, keep it up!
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