Holey Mackerel it's a 3 String Squidtar Posted by JP Swenson on November 13, 2011 at 12:01pm Views: 146 3 Get Embed Code <iframe width="480" height="270" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/_kLEPiIeBXA" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe> Tags: guitar, from, planet, earth, made Movie of recently completed hit for my friend Squid. You need to be a member of Cigar Box Nation to add comments! Join Cigar Box Nation Comments Henry Strat-o-varius Lowman November 14, 2011 at 9:13pm PLEASE POST THIS on the Concrete Music Group! (With a SOUND sample,of course!) bemuzic November 14, 2011 at 2:05pm very cool and unique!...I was dying for you to give it a quick strum so I could hear it : -) T C Blues November 13, 2011 at 10:04pm cool art guitar JP Swenson November 13, 2011 at 5:40pm Many thanks nation friends.... Uncle John November 13, 2011 at 5:38pm JP, that Swensonized, artsty-fartsy-wild man build just made my eyes bulge and put a smile on my face. It really looks demented good. Yup we need some kind of sound sample and maybe some lime jello. Jeff TN November 13, 2011 at 1:56pm some red led's in the eyes would be cool. Roadkill a.k.a. John Maw November 13, 2011 at 1:21pm Come on. You can't wave that at us and not demonstrate how it sounds. A demo is essential (did I say that it looks great). mike anderson Blues Box Guitars November 13, 2011 at 12:41pm another great creative build, keep it up! This reply was deleted. E-mail me when people leave their comments – Follow
PLEASE POST THIS on the Concrete Music Group! (With a SOUND sample,of course!)
very cool and unique!...I was dying for you to give it a quick strum so I could hear it : -)
cool art guitar
Many thanks nation friends....
JP, that Swensonized, artsty-fartsy-wild man build just made my eyes bulge and put a smile on my face. It really looks demented good.
Yup we need some kind of sound sample and maybe some lime jello.
some red led's in the eyes would be cool.
Come on. You can't wave that at us and not demonstrate how it sounds. A demo is essential (did I say that it looks great).