Hold That Train Conductor original blues

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We have a great and creative hobby. Creating instruments with our hands, making music, expressing ourselves and writing our own songs. What could be better?I finally understand how much our tastes in builds and music varies. We ‘hear’ things differently. I like the Delta sounds and some other sounds you folks have. But to play it? I just do not hear it in my head. We march to different drummers. My drummer tends to like story songs.This original song is primarily a harp song. It is based on a ‘standard’ cross (blues) harp riff. It approximately goes: (-1) Hold (+3) that (-4) train (+4) con (-2) duct (-2) tor.The guitar is tuned GDg and amped with a Roland Micro-cube. I like the thin neck and yard stick fret board.Some builds come together when you string them up. Some fight me all the way. It took extra time and effort to make this one a good player.Hold That Train ConductorBy John BoltonHold that train conductor.Hold that train for me.Gotta [IV] tell my baby I’m sorry.And [I] keep her from leaving me.You got to [V] hold that [IV] train con-[I] ductor.When [I] I left home this mornin’.My baby was mad as could be.When [IV] I come this evenin’She’d [I] left this note for me.She’s [V] goin’ back home she [IV] leavin on the eight oh [I] three.Hold that train conductor.Hold that train for me.Gotta [IV] tell my baby I’m sorry.And [I] keep her from leaving me.You got to [V] hold that [IV] train con-[I] ductor.I gotta catch my babyBefore that train leaves this town.[IV] I gotta tell my baby.That [I] I never messed around.You got to [V] hold that [IV] train con-[I] ductor.

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  • you've a mentor an inspirer ,a man of great generosity in yer life and in our world here at CBN.A lot of us wouldnt be playing if it were'nt for you. I blame you for me ....lol but seriously , you have taught us how , so we just have to carry that on .I love your music you always give me a big ass smile ....as did this one ....thanx, bud....

  • Thanks Nancy, Diggly, Ritz and Turtle.

  • great looking vid and the songs is pure U.J. thanks

  • Nice song and a great sound Uncle John.  Glad that the break wasn't too long - your songs provide wonderful inspiration to others !!

  • Yup that Chessie cat is very famous uj~ this one hangs over my cat's bed awwwwwmeowwwww ^^305969818?profile=original

  • Thank-yous to Nancy, Shane and Nigel.   Nancy, I did not know that train line had a cat!


    Thanks Uncle John

  • 305971415?profile=original

  • Hey there uj like the train song my father's father was a conductor~my dad would sneak on the train when he was a boy~ caught hell for it to lol~ nothing I can add everyone said it all~ Jason always talked about u in fact he bugged me untill I gave a listen now Im a cbg junkie! Thanx for this one Meowwwww ^^

  • Nice John. Wish the lyrics would flow for me like they do for you Great stuff.

    Glad to see you back;-)

    Its hard to keep track as the nation moves so fast now.

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