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Helter Sketler

Views: 128
Helter SkelterDone on my old BG Cigar box resonator.

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  • Oh and thanks Laef,Be and Mr Pick... didn't see ya you were off my screen!

  • Thanks John, Wes, Clock Work, James and Uncle John... you know this will only spur me on to do more!

    Just uploading my first test on a 5 string Dulcimer from Nashville!... now that has to make it cool! don't wana play the blues though, how hard you try!  : >)

  • Sounds good.

  • Yeh motley crew version is cool!
    Thanks for all your comments and input
  • Great interpretation.

  •   " No sense makes sense "

                         --- No Name Maddox

  •  your a regular Charley Manson, lol, no just kidding , i love it you done real good!!!

  • This is a good one Chris.  

  • cool!...can you read the lyrics ok with the sunglasses on?

  • here  lol  

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