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'Hauntominous" - the most "haunting" cbg experience ever !

Views: 122
from my "tales from the swamp witch" dvd .You may think you have heard "haunting"cigar box guitar music before , and think you have heard it all .but this video and soundtrack will drop your jaw in disbelief as chills make the hair on your neck stand up . , *hauntominous " would be more compared to spine chilling soundtracks added to horror motion picturesbut all done on a cigar box guitar .-voices with strings ,-footsteps , by tapping a pick on the guitar ,- string creaks ,-string slide groans and moans . and the list goes on ... all done to haunting ghostly images. only using a cbg , and some normal guitar amp effects . & playing with the volume etc... .enjoy something different .comments welcome .turn it up !

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