Hard Times Come Again No More. Dave Lynas & Richard Sundberg

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Playing with Dave on a vintage video from his incredible collection.

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  • Wow, so many views. Thank you fine friends. Richard has added his magical touch to this one. His transformative inspiration puts this into a dreamworld. I am blessed to be in such company. Thanks Richard. It seems our unprecedented times have added a surreal element to our art. I think It is Dreamtime.

  • Back for another listen!  

  • Looks like a cool vintage photo of a grand time Nancy! Big heartfelt thanks for your very kind words  from us, your just the best! 

  • Dave’s garden brings out the magical forest Buggy! Just follow the path of notes and tones. Thanks Bugs!

  • A mix of vintage and  improvising I’d say Dave. Thanks for allowing me to play along, I just love your passion and precision, incredible touch and wisdom you bring out of a guitar. You helped me take my training wheels off a bit on these old classics. It’s always an honor my friend, thanks for your guidance and inspiration on this one! I’m missing a shadow singer, perhaps you’ll find him enjoying your garden.

  • It’s actually relief and goodwill to my neighbors to play mellow every now an then Danny. Dave’s garden and that inviting  barbecue grill soothes the soul. Thank you very much Danny!

  • Thanks Denbo! It’s nice to pull the electric cord and mayhem from my amp, and play more normal ha! 

  • We all know Dave’s garden is a magical place, many a incredible experience and journey we have seen and heard over the years here. Dave seemed unaffected by the shadow people Derek, a true professional. A classic indeed, thanks so much my friend!

  • I don’t know about that Poorness.  Dave absolutely is, and by listening to your creativity and passion and skills, your on the list of so many incredible musicians here at the Nation! Thank you so much, very kind of you!

  • Dave is a treasure for sure JJ Slice! I’m a lucky dude to play with him. Thanks for the nice words!

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