Hallelujah with crystal glasses

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Think you're the "hottest of the hot" when it comes to street musicianship? Check out *this* performance. Watch it to the end and plan on being amazed. Awesome!

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  • This has ruined my lunch as my mouth is on the floor. Breathtaking stuff. I also like Pick's comment, and that's exactly why that would never work in England!

  • And still in the homemade music ethos.

    Indeed it is. Wouldn't have posted it otherwise. Improvised instruments like a glass harp go right to the heart of what CBGs are all about. :-))

  • Awesome.   And still in the homemade music ethos.


  • Thats some sound cool ;-)

  • PURE JOY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • cool  ,,    but  it  gets  really  high  pitched    when it  rains  ;-) 

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