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Free Style CBG playing

Views: 216
Getting a bit better at playing So here is a A bit of plucking and strumming on my 4 string fretted electric CBG.I just love the sound of the High A to E to D chord sliding transition at both 1:08 and again at 1:55mins. Still need to practice a bit more :)

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  • Tess just was checking out your workshop and popped over to this video, man that song was MELLOW  i dig it . made my relaxation meter go down two degrees LOL !!   nice rythem. im still learning how to play but soon ill post up some try's  thanks for sharing

  • I had forgotten about that riff it is very mellow isn't it (sliding from the 14th to the 9th then the 7th frets)

    I think i'll have to re-learn it for my relaxing on the porch time.

    Thanks for that Michael :)

  • Hello from Vancouver, Canada... this is easily my favourite of your video's Tess. 

    Nice slide work, great sound!

  • Really cool song...well done.!!!

  • Love that intro plucking! Reminds me a little of the opening of the Beatles song Two of Us. The slides are also nice. Look forward to hearing more from you.

  • Thing is the practice is so much fun well played. like the tuning ;-)

  •  Mellow good.  Nice guitar and soothing bluesy good. 

  • You're picking is great Tess, I'm not much at picking yet as my fingers won't do what my brain tells them;-) You're strumming sounds great also, reminds me of a band from the 70's called Firefall. The git has a really warm sound, what amp are you running it through?

  • nice slide, works well for me.

  • Nicely done!

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