Free Man - Krabbers Ukulele Cover - CBU

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This was fun. I've been singing the harmony part of Krabbers' video for a while and meaning to record this. Not sure how many more of these harmony vids I'm ...

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  • Thanks for the great comment Sammy. You won't find any more like this on my channel. I only did the one harmony vid. Just watched this again for the first time in a while and now I am really missing that uke. Was my first uke build and I gave it to my cousin who promptly took it 2000 miles away.   :(


    As far as setup. I just use a built-in webcam on my laptop and that snowball mic you can see in the video. For this one I recorded the top one first, then played it back through that little earbud while singing the harmony. The hardest part was syncing them. I used Adobe Premier for that.


    Lot of work involved in doing a video like this and I kind of prefer to just shoot a vid, and upload it right away. I'm lazy like that. ;-)

  • Fabulous, just made my Sunday morning listening to those wonderful harmonies fella. How the hell do you do it? Nice one. I gotta search for some more of your stuff. I can learn so much from how you got things set up.
  • krabbers is the man. I've already covered 3 of his songs and there are so many more good ones.
  • I just checked out krabbers this morning hes good, i never heard of him before your vid.
  • Thanks for watching y'all. I got the chords from Krabbers' video description. Verse is variations on a C chord and goes:

    0003 x4

    Chorus goes

    Em, F, C, G

    Em, F, C, C

  • Super nice song, playing and singing.  And you guys look enough alike to be brothers.
  • Super video..........great job!!!
  • totally awesome!
  • Really Nice!  Keep them coming.
  • love the harmony
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