Folsom Prison Blues / Johnny Cash / Cigar Box Guitar / Beer and Pizza Night

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  • Thank you again my friends for all your kind words. BTW: We were drinking, Koko Brown Beer from the Kona Brewing Co. It was flavored with toasted coconut. Last week we tried the one flavored with coffee. Real tasty stuff. Enjoy.  

  • awesome

  • Beer and Pizza Night !!! time to cut loose, good job on this guys!!!

  • Thank you everybody for your kind words. I though I would talk about how this song was performed.

    Bill and I are both using the "Movable Chord Method" found on CD 6.

    Although, we did a little something different with our guitar tunings.

    The song is the key of E.

    My CBG seems to play better tuned lower GCE. A whole step lower than the ADF# tuning associate with the Moveable Chord Method. Due to the fact that these two tunings are relative and all the chords are movable, I just moved up two frets to find the E, A, and B chords.

    Bill wanted to take advantage of the open strings, so he is tuned ADF# (Open D) with a capo on fret 2. So, being moved up a whole step his guitars sounds BEG# (Open E).

    So, by not playing the same chord positions during this duet, we created a fuller sound.

    It is my hope, more players look into this approach. I believe it offers an easy way (only 3 finger chords) to play a CBG, that is extremely versatile (play in all the different keys like a standard 6 string) and organized (find the CBG chords you need to substitute for the ones found in 6 string guitar fake books)





  • Hey Keni how long have you wanted to say "hello I'm Johnny Cash" As usual great work.


  • Really fantastic. More fun than you can shake a guitar shaped stick at.

  •   "Hey, dis kid's purty durn good!"305783535?profile=original

  • Could not have been better if I had beer and pizza too!

  • Oh!  I was digging the Midnight Special.   But Folsom was just as good.    Good as can be.

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