Follow the Drinking Gourd on Gourd Ukelele

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I finished this little Uke for an upcoming instrument making demonstration. I thought this song was a good fit since this type is often referred to as a drin...

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  • Thanks Jamie. It is magical! This song was used as a coded message by slaves who, for some reason, wanted to escape to the North for freedom. Yeah, I think I'd be pissed in that situation.

  • Really like this song, not heard in years. And any song that tells the listener to get pissed gets ma vote ( then again, ah may have misread message of song! ).    ;). 

    Well played and sung, tho at beginning, thought you were gonna do magic act :) Neat we come apart uke tho.

  • Thanks Matt. Folks should check out the history of this song for an interesting story.

  • that is a lovely build, like the song as well. Very nice work all the way around

  • Thanks SlowHound. Yeah, more than one per week is unusual for me but I hurried to finish this one for a weekend demonstration. Still, I was gonna wait to post it but CBN had two feature stories on gourd instruments so I went ahead. 

  • Nice one sir.

    Glad I took a gander today.

    You just posted recently so wasn't expecting something again so soon. 

  • Thanks SJ. I'm pretty sure Richie got it from The Weavers 1950's version with Pete Seeger singng.

  • Thanks Merle.

  • Thanks RTZ.

    Thank you Bug. That makes me feel gourd.

  • man that's a pretty cool instrument and great performance too

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