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Elvis is in the House!

Views: 118
Elvis dropped in to borrow his glasses back from Rod...So I got him to do a couple of numbers for ya, while he was here...He's very clearly not dead, as everyone thought and has actually lost some weight too!

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  • Ok ...thanks Guys and Gals...I will pass your thanks, if I ever see him again....

  • He's still got it.

  •    Waitaminute. That's not Elvis. It-it-it's... JFK!!!

  • Rock it!!!

  • Elvis might have left the buildin , but i know where he's at now !!!!!!!!

  • NIce medley, way to go.

  • hey ...  i saw jay leno  with  your  bike  ! .

  • He was a bit ghost like, now I come to think about it...

    but did notice his unintentional Tommy Cooper impression, at the end!..

  • WOW he is looking well!!

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