Elmar Flatpup sound test - on 4 string Cigar Box Guitar
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You need to be a member of Cigar Box Nation to add comments!
thanks Jim...oh no, what have I started!
Nice demo. Sounds really good. Oh no, I feel myself being pulled back into plugging guitars in!
ah cool, I'll go and have a look : -)
Hi Belinda, Elmar's Flatpup is going to be used in one I'm in the process of building now. In the process of acquiring all of what I need to build it at this point anyway. Unless something changes, it's going to be a 4 string fretless for slide. I need to still sort out a bridge for it. I'm making a 1/4" aluminum fretboard for it now and still need to do the same for the tailpiece. The Flatpup will be a nice addition!
I worked up a drawing of what I'm planning (shooting for anyway ;)) in Sketchup. There is a pic of it in "My Photo's"
cheers Ron. Have you still not got it? What are you putting it one...something you're building now, or something you've had for a while?
Thanks for the sound demo, Belinda. I placed an order for one of Elmar's Flatpup 4's about a week ago and am really getting excited about getting it. Now, more than ever.
thanks Chris and Slowhound. Yep Elmar, gotta spread the word when something's good!
I am very pleased reading your comments, thanks guy! And thanks Belinda for having opened this thread :-)
Great stuff!! The Elmar pickups are great for modifying your old builds.
Sounds great...I'm sold ! ....yup I love it dirty....! (The channel that is!!)