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Ebow - Ipod App or Home Made version?

Views: 209
Ebow...Ipod app or the home made versionWhich is best?You decide....

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  • That's the craziest thing yet!!! Somehow I'd never heard of an ebow, so had to Google it first to see what you were trying to do,lol!!

  • A big (stupid) grin from me.  :)      And a <3      The <3 is either a heart for the heart you show in all you do OR a triangle mooning you.  You choose, Chris.

  • i phone is cool no doubt , but dont give up now  give us a good home made ebow, or not, lol your awesome!!!

  • It disturbs the magnetic field see the ni magnets on my pickup winder
    Drill bit! Slight noise and practicality issue
    I thought a coil attached to an amp would work
    As like a speaker cone it would feed bam vibrations
    But it needs more work!!
    I'm sure there is a way but the iPhone app is easiest!
    Ibow and bugbow!
  • whats that home made version doing? now that i have thought about it?

  • omg thats funny lol but i dont think its very practical, and it did appears  the phone was working as one who would have known? lol

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