counting crows - perfect blue buildings - three string slide cigar box guitar - acoustic cover

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uncle crow performs counting crows 'perfect blue buildings' on a home made, 3 string fretless slide cigar box guitar with eye bolt tuners.Hey guys!Thanks to all my new subscribers for joining us, and to everyone else for tuning in! Sorry I haven't made a video in a while, my ipod was broken. Anyways, thanks for watching, and be sure to keep building and playing, and show us what you do, because you never know who you'll inspire next!Have a great day!

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  • I was just talking about bathroomverb best vocal booth in the house when you start thowing pillows around and hanging blanket on the Walls call the Doctor.  Rockinthebox  in the crapper EXCELLENT. 

  • Great sound - nice !

  • nice job, !!!

  • Excellent.  Wish I could make a 3 string sound that well played.  Good vocals too.

  • sounds great

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