Countdown To Mars. Derek Rose-Richard Sundberg

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A futuristic original by Derek. D: vocals, 4 string acoustic lead. R: 4 string resonator, synth bass.

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  • Thanks Vinnie! Derek shined some great lead riffs into my otherwise spaced out  meandering musings. Mars today, beyond Uranus with the right  preparation H tomorrow! Great comments, thanks for space contained chicken grease Vinnie!

  • 2018 a Spaced odyssey...Very koolsville ,nice contrast of guitar styles,blended well together..

  • Thanks Nancy, very kind of you. Derek’s the one with the looks, guitars, and talent. I’m the one with money ha!

  • Thanks Nancy, much appreciated! Cool photos!

  • 306717649?profile=original

  • 306717473?profile=originalOutstanding performances from both extremely talented guy's!! Meowwww^..^

  • Thanks Pick, Danny, Merle and Steve! Danny those Padron boxes sound good with piezos and the Fender acoustasonic amp works great with those piezos too and has nice built-in effects.

  • Unc, Andries, Wes, Dave, James and Jim, thanks for the kind remarks. Richard had a great arranged track of reso, synth and bass and at first I just jammed with him! But then he suggested adding some lyrics and I had "space" in my head so that's where we went LOL. Richard came up with far better visuals then I had in my spacey head.

    Jim, I can't keep up either! It's craft show season so helping my wife and slipping further behind with the music. You'll have to talk to Dave and Richard about the chipmunks ;)

  • Thanks c#merle and StorminSteve, appreciate your comments very much!

  • superb all round lyrics and music. nice one guys

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