cigarbox jam

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Bit of a jam with a 3 string fret less and 4 string ftetted. Unplugged and very raw. playing with a mate his first cbg he has only been playing a week he is ...

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  • Thanks Pick, Shane, Anders,Bug Stooge.

    We will clean and amp it up.

  • Nice, job, as long as you guys have fun, that's what counts!

  • Nice one...

  • yum yum

  •  Thanks RTZ.

    I am fired ;-)

  • 7 string blues nice     fire the cameraman

  • I will get a shed load of beer then and next week we will be blues stars lol In our own little beer bubble ;-)

  • Good after a beer.  Better after two.  Thinking (wrongly) better after three.   Stinking after four.

  • Thanks John,

    I dont know if we were better before or after the beer we will experiment next week;-)

  • Ahhh.  Nice jam.

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