Cigar Box Rock

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I've always loved guitars and have recently fallen in love with woodworking and creative DIY projects. So I pulled it all together to build these three cigar...

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  • Super presentation! Jam away on those beauties, your skills are abundantly apparent! I enjoyed the snot out of this!

  • Forgot to respond to your question Downtown Vinnie. See a few comments down for some of the details on how I do it. My approach is pretty hack-y but it does the job. In short, I run audio through GarageBand and video through PhotoBooth on a MacBook laptop. But any audio and video recording software will do. From there I throw it all together in iMovie, where I can do some screen-in-screen trickery. I think I posted a link to a tutorial I followed on YouTube as well. So check that out too if it’s helpful. 

  • Thanks man! Gettin’ all kinds of inspiration from the folks in this board! More to come. 

  •  Ultra koolsville Chris,Nice riffin ,cool vid,some great builds,vundabah!! What program did you get the split screen vid action with?

  • Thanks 3 String Guitars! I appreciate it!

  • That sounds great!

  • thats a fact AGP# they are more addicting than anyone could ever imagine,lol

  • AGP no kidding. My mind is three projects ahead with barely enough time to complete my current build! And yeah I’ve been playing for some time. :) it’s been a passion of mine for a few decades now. 

  • "WARNING", building CBG's can become addictive :-D, 3 great looking and sounding gits, and a very enjoyable video, and I think it's more than obvious that you have! played before, :-)

  • Thanks Dave! And yes you’re spot on. The Nighthawk guitar was my very first build. Was looking for a super cheap design to experiment with. Once I did that one, I was hooked!

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