Cigar Box Guitar Slingers - Beatles 2 (2 of 5)

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The Cigar Box Guitar Slingers performing at the Spokane Fall Folk Festival 2023. Penny's remarks and most of Beatles songs 5-8.

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  • Stories are inspiring for sure Kale! Penny has been instrumental in the success of our group. Our decision to do the folk festival for the first time was when we met at her “barn” during the Covid lockdown and the library was not an option.

  • So great. I love to hear the stories like that. I couldn't play ukulele but I can play CBG. Inspiring.

  • I think the allure of just using one finger to make music is enough to pull anybody into cbg’s, great to hear your hard work is paying off, Doug!!

  • Glad you enjoyed it BrianQ! I’ll pass it on to Penny. She alluded to her camping group Sisters on the Fly. I’m doing CBG workshops for them this coming June, 2 sessions of up to 20 ladies. We are going to build a boatload of CBGs. I’ve got some serious work to do to get ready…

  • Another great video, thanx for the inspiring testimonial Penny! :)

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