cigar box guitar.6 string .jam

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a quick jam and no 6 string cigar box guitar ive just built and dee on upright ,just for kick,s

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  • Nice, laid back and a bit moody. Very good.

  • 305804422?profile=original

  • Nice!

  • well james the pick up aint mine ,the xs 650 chop might be sold ,wife is on night,s  the dog is deaf and ive lost my job.hmmm sounds like a song .hhaaaa but im still smile ing .

  • great things / stuff/ music / family / etc,/ pets lifes good !!!

  • thank,s lads for the kind word,s..slowhound .you might have a point there..haa

  • sweet ! ;-)

  • This has movie soundtrack all over it. Spaghetti western meets Repo Man. Great stuff!!

  • Oh yeah....Nice bluesy vamp you got going there. Great looking and sounding CBG. And some smooth upright thrumming in the back. (With a nod of respect to your lady Dee from a fellow bassist.) Really look forward to hearing more from you both.

    (P.S. I like that bull terrier too! Great breed.)

  • my first build tunned am .my good lady on bass <will do it again and get a better bass sound,was just a ruff tune .1 take.>

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