Cigar Box Guitar 3 String Hemingway CBG DEMO

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Just a demo of a homemade Cigar Box Guitar that I made from an old Hemingway box.The guitar is tuned D-A-d so you can call it an open D or D 5th.Got a a Radio Shack Piezo Transducer taped inside as a pick-up.

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  • Mark, fantastic sound. You always have great compositions. Well done very unique

  • Got that Texas blues thing going.  Nice visuals too.    Like the sound holes and Git. 

  • I use MAGIX Movie edit pro 11 which is really out of date now but (I think I got it in '06).

    I got it strung up with the 5-4-3 strings because I was thinking about using this guitar more for Chuck Berry/Rolling Stones type of thing even though this video is not an example of that...

  • very nice!!

  • Nice build and playing!!!

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