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CBG - Demo One handed lap steel playing

Views: 249
These are my two favorite lap box guitars with a quick Demo.

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  • this is awesome, bravo
  • Frank, I gave the effects box back to my sons friend--a fun trial run enough to make me think I'll look for one on ebay:-) ...I see music talent runs in your family--enjoyed your brothers Beatles "2fer one" acoustic.....amazing picking!watching you makes me think I'll try a flat pick, never have with the National or CBG....I'm very prone to leave the finger picks off, bout 90 percent of the time. Love this demo,..thanks so much.
  • Yes I saw the videos, first time I've seen anyone that played the way I do. Good player too, looks like he built his instrument also.
  • Hey you know "TT Fingers" from San Francisco? He plays a pretty mean one handed lap steel as well.

    Check him out:!
  • Wonderful playing, beautiful instruments; think I'll make a lap steel
  • What a SOUND!
    carry me back
  • Great job Frank! Nice guitars and great playing.
  • Dam! Pick it brother! Great tone...!
  • In reply to the first question, I learned a lot of my music skils from my Grandma Posey, who was a piano player. She played by ear and read music and literally could play almost any song. She got me singing and intrested in music back whrn I was about 12 yrs old and I've been playing every since. I took a few guitar lessons at first and learned the rest on my own. After losing my hand in 1975, I went in rabid pursuit of trying to learn to play again, and after 30yrs plus I feel like I've suceeded. If you really love music it should become a life long pursuit to continue to grow and learn and enjoy what ever measure of talent God gives us. I like to think of ot as a well where one never knows how much water you'll find until you dig a little deeper.
  • Nice Frank
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