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CBG Amp Concept, vintage box

Views: 96
Found this Strange Box today... thinking of it as a CBG amp...Here's a quick test with the mini amp I plan to put in it...Does anyone know what it is or could have been used for?It's flat inside at the bottom and once had a smaller brother.

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  • The ark of the CBG covenant? Go Indy. GO!!!!!

  • Maybe if I rub it ....a gennie....might appear... or even pandora herself?.......

  • Well it's on CBN - It must be Pandora's Box!


  • maybe it was a hope chest? as in i hope someone uses me to make music!

  • it certainly looks well cool as an amp!..will send this vid to the in laws as well : -)

  • I think that once held the head of John the baptist.  

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