Cat Bowl Guitar - What do you want.mpg

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Played on The dog child resonator guitar(Cat bowl in a junk child size nylon guitar!)

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  • Cheers Slowpaw , David, Blueshart, James, Clock and Wes...this was an oldy..,

  • Spot-on 'bug....!   I had a VW once, the only non-British car i ever owned, it sounded like...a Cat bowl in a junk child size nylon guitar! (-;

  • Nice !!!! Cool riff;-)

  • James I fancied myself as a bit of a Seasick steve!!
    Check "carsickchris" on MySpace and see who my friend is!!!
    A mate of mine came up with the name!
    Ha ha I've been rumbled!!
  • Cool song, dug the cars too.

  • car sick Chris, lmao, thats great!  ol, car sick Chris , one hell of a blues man !!!

  • Darn tootin, rooty tooty tootin!!!

  • Many thanks Wes... cheap food bowls rule as a resonator cone
    Thinner the better
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