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carrillo voodoo

Views: 104
just testing out a carrillo box butchering poor ole voodoo chile lol

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  • Beans.

  • All this talk about Voodoo Chili has me hankerin' for some Hoodoo Chili. With chopped onions and a black cat bone.

    Nice soundin' see-gar box, too.

  • Uncle John i love chilli with chopped onions, do you put beans in yours or just meat... thank you for givin it a listen

  • hey pick you just gave me an idea for a tune called "hot digity duck dildos' lol thanks woodstockian

  • Why thank you James

  • Thanks Anders i just love the tune and usually comes out while i'm testing a new build, and I agree i dont think jimi can be followed just enjoyed... thanks again

  • sounds great !!!

  • Thanks Clock

  • Purtee gooooood!

  • hot diggity   duck  dildos,  ..  thats awsome  ;-)

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