Cambridge Cigarbox Festival 2012 Part 2.wmv

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Just some of the Video's I tookBefore my memory card got full...last nightFor all you who couldn't get there..

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  • Thanks for sharin' Buggy~~Meowwwwwfun^^

  • Thanks bug, a great window on the event...

  • It was great to meet people, have a chat and listen to the music - great job Col ! Wish we could have stayed longer. Thanks for posting the vids Bug :-)

  • Thanks Guy's, but don't for get It was Stumblecol who put this show on the road, he' s the one who realy needs the big thanks to

  • Looks like a great gig ..... wish I could've made it!

    I'll second Silent Jim's comment on Belinda's music - the Joni Mitchell of the cigar box guitar! (And this from a wrinkly old rocker who doesn't usually go for gentle acoustic stuff.)

    Thanks for filming and posting this, Mr. Bug.

  • Looks like ya'll had a great time! Wish I coulda been there but thanks for posting the vids, it's the next best thing.

  • Wonderfully successful day, everyone played their sox off ! ....especially Brickdust Steve...(-;

    Great meeting old friends and new, hope we can all do it again next year! (-:

  • Fantastic Wish I could have gone ;-)

  • Maybe we can get a Skype session room going
    For next year???
    So you can join in
  • Hey John, You were mentioned and had a song dedicated to you by Leadfoot. So you were there in spirit.

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